Universe Architecture BV

tel: +31 (0)20 6165424
mail: info@universearchitecture.com
in the press: Google Search
speaker requests: London Speaker Bureau

Universe Architecture works on the realization of the presented projects in an ecosystem of partners for each project.

A selection of Talks on these projects by founder Janjaap Ruijssenaars:

March 2007 Cambridge University, England / Nov 2010 Forum d'Avignon Ruhr Essen, Germany / May 2013 NEXT Berlin, Germany / Okt. 2014 TEDx Maastricht, Netherlands / March 2017 Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam, Netherlands / Sept 2018 The European Award for Innovations in Culture and Creativity Brussels, Belgium / March 2019 Future Proved Amsterdam, Netherlands / sept 2021 Slovakia Tech, Kosice Slovakia